Spiking output of the Tan&Carney model

Fig. 1 and 3 (spking output without spiking/refractory period) should reproduce the output of the AN3_test_tone.m and AN3_test_click.m scripts, available in the code accompanying the paper Tan & Carney (2003). This matlab code is available from http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/labs/Carney-Lab/publications/auditory-models.cfm

Tan, Q., and L. H. Carney. “A Phenomenological Model for the Responses of Auditory-nerve Fibers. II. Nonlinear Tuning with a Frequency Glide”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114 (2003): 2007.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from brian2 import *
from brian2hears import (Sound, get_samplerate, set_default_samplerate, tone,
                         click, silence, dB, TanCarney, MiddleEar, ZhangSynapse)

sample_length = 1 / get_samplerate(None)
cf = 1000 * Hz

print('Testing click response')
duration = 25*ms
levels = [40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
# a click of two samples
tones = Sound([Sound.sequence([click(sample_length*2, peak=level*dB),
                               silence(duration=duration - sample_length)])
           for level in levels])
ihc = TanCarney(MiddleEar(tones), [cf] * len(levels), update_interval=1)
syn = ZhangSynapse(ihc, cf)
mon = StateMonitor(syn, ['s', 'R'], record=True, clock=syn.clock)
spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(syn)
net = Network(syn, mon, spike_mon)
net.run(duration * 1.5)

spiketimes = spike_mon.spike_trains()

for idx, level in enumerate(levels):
    plt.subplot(len(levels), 1, idx + 1)
    plt.plot(mon.t/ms, mon.s[idx])
    plt.xlim(0, 25)
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.text(15, np.nanmax(mon.s[idx])/2., 'Peak SPL=%s SPL' % str(level*dB));
    ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
    if idx == 0:
        plt.title('Click responses')

    plt.subplot(len(levels), 1, idx + 1)
    plt.plot(mon.t/ms, mon.R[idx])
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.text(15, np.nanmax(mon.s[idx])/2., 'Peak SPL=%s SPL' % str(level*dB));
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    if idx == 0:
        plt.title('Click responses (with spikes and refractoriness)')
         np.ones(len(spiketimes[idx])) * np.nanmax(mon.R[idx]), 'rx')

print('Testing tone response')
duration = 60*ms
levels = [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]
tones = Sound([Sound.sequence([tone(cf, duration).atlevel(level*dB).ramp(when='both',
               for level in levels])
ihc = TanCarney(MiddleEar(tones), [cf] * len(levels), update_interval=1)
syn = ZhangSynapse(ihc, cf)
mon = StateMonitor(syn, ['s', 'R'], record=True, clock=syn.clock)
spike_mon = SpikeMonitor(syn)
net = Network(syn, mon, spike_mon)
net.run(duration * 1.5)

spiketimes = spike_mon.spike_trains()

for idx, level in enumerate(levels):
    plt.subplot(len(levels), 1, idx + 1)
    plt.plot(mon.t/ms, mon.s[idx])
    plt.xlim(0, 120)
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.text(1.25 * duration/ms, np.nanmax(mon.s[idx])/2., '%s SPL' % str(level*dB));
    ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
    if idx == 0:
        plt.title('CF=%.0f Hz - Response to Tone at CF' % cf)

    plt.subplot(len(levels), 1, idx + 1)
    plt.plot(mon.t/ms, mon.R[idx])
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
    plt.text(1.25 * duration/ms, np.nanmax(mon.R[idx])/2., '%s SPL' % str(level*dB));
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    if idx == 0:
        plt.title('CF=%.0f Hz - Response to Tone at CF (with spikes and refractoriness)' % cf)
    plt.plot(spiketimes[idx] / ms,
         np.ones(len(spiketimes[idx])) * np.nanmax(mon.R[idx]), 'rx')


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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