
Brian hears comes with a package of predefined filter classes to be used as basic blocks by the user. All of them are implemented as filterbanks.

First, a series of standard filters widely used in audio processing are available:

Class Descripition Example
IIRFilterbank Bank of low, high, bandpass or bandstop filter of type Chebyshef, Elliptic, etc… IIR filterbank
Butterworth Bank of low, high, bandpass or bandstop Butterworth filters Butterworth filters
LowPass Bank of lowpass filters of order 1 Cochleagram

Second, the library provides linear auditory filters developed to model the middle ear transfer function and the frequency analysis of the cochlea:

Class Description Example
MiddleEar Linear bandpass filter, based on middle-ear frequency response properties Spiking output of the Tan&Carney model
Gammatone Bank of IIR gammatone filters (based on Slaney implementation) Gammatone filters
ApproximateGammatone Bank of IIR gammatone filters (based on Hohmann implementation) Approximate Gammatone filters
LogGammachirp Bank of IIR gammachirp filters with logarithmic sweep (based on Irino implementation) Logarithmic Gammachirp filters
LinearGammachirp Bank of FIR chirp filters with linear sweep and gamma envelope Linear Gammachirp filters
LinearGaborchirp Bank of FIR chirp filters with linear sweep and gaussian envelope  

Finally, Brian hears comes with a series of complex nonlinear cochlear models developed to model nonlinear effects such as filter bandwith level dependency, two-tones suppression, peak position level dependency, etc.

Class Description Example
DRNL Dual resonance nonlinear filter as described in Lopez-Paveda and Meddis, JASA 2001 Dual resonance nonlinear filter (DRNL)
DCGC Compressive gammachirp auditory filter as described in Irino and Patterson, JASA 2001 Compressive Gammachirp filter (DCGC)
TanCarney Auditory phenomenological model as described in Tan and Carney, JASA 2003 Spiking output of the Tan&Carney model
ZhangSynapse Model of an inner hair cell – auditory nerve synapse (Zhang et al., JASA 2001) Spiking output of the Tan&Carney model