Source code for brian2hears.bufferable

The Bufferable class serves as a base for all the other brian2hears classes
import numpy as np

[docs]class Bufferable(object): ''' Base class for brian2hears classes Defines a buffering interface of two methods: ``buffer_init()`` Initialise the buffer, should set the time pointer to zero and do any other initialisation that the object needs. ``buffer_fetch(start, end)`` Fetch the next samples ``start:end`` from the buffer. Value returned should be an array of shape ``(end-start, nchannels)``. Can throw an ``IndexError`` exception if it is outside the possible range. In addition, bufferable objects should define attributes: ``nchannels`` The number of channels in the buffer. ``samplerate`` The sample rate in Hz. By default, the class will define a default buffering mechanism which can easily be extended. To extend the default buffering mechanism, simply implement the method: ``buffer_fetch_next(samples)`` Returns the next ``samples`` from the buffer. The default methods for ``buffer_init()`` and ``buffer_fetch()`` will define a buffer cache which will get larger if it needs to to accommodate a ``buffer_fetch(start, end)`` where ``end-start`` is larger than the current cache. If the filterbank has a ``minimum_buffer_size`` attribute, the internal cache will always have at least this size, and the ``buffer_fetch_next(samples)`` method will always get called with ``samples>=minimum_buffer_size``. This can be useful to ensure that the buffering is done efficiently internally, even if the user request buffered chunks that are too small. If the filterbank has a ``maximum_buffer_size`` attribute then ``buffer_fetch_next(samples)`` will always be called with ``samples<=maximum_buffer_size`` - this can be useful for either memory consumption reasons or for implementing time varying filters that need to update on a shorter time window than the overall buffer size. The following attributes will automatically be maintained: ``self.cached_buffer_start``, ``self.cached_buffer_end`` The start and end of the cached segment of the buffer ``self.cached_buffer_output`` An array of shape ``((cached_buffer_end-cached_buffer_start, nchannels)`` with the current cached segment of the buffer. Note that this array can change size. ''' def buffer_fetch(self, start, end): if not hasattr(self, 'cached_buffer_start'): self.buffer_init() # optimisations for the most typical cases, which are when start:end is # the current cached segment, or when start:end is the next cached # segment of the same size as the current one if start==self.cached_buffer_start and end==self.cached_buffer_end: return self.cached_buffer_output if start==self.cached_buffer_end and end-start==self.cached_buffer_output.shape[0]: self.cached_buffer_output = self._buffer_fetch_next(end-start) self.cached_buffer_start = start self.cached_buffer_end = end return self.cached_buffer_output # handle bad inputs if end<start: raise IndexError('Buffer end should be larger than start.') if start<self.cached_buffer_start: raise IndexError('Attempted to fetch output that has disappeared from the buffer.') # If the requested segment of the buffer is entirely within the cache, # just return it. if end<=self.cached_buffer_end: bstart = start-self.cached_buffer_start bend = end-self.cached_buffer_start return self.cached_buffer_output[bstart:bend, :] # Otherwise we need to fetch some new samples. # in case of minimum_buffer_size, we need to remember what the # requested end point was, because with a minimum buffer size we need # to extend the end point req_end = end samples = end-self.cached_buffer_end if hasattr(self, 'minimum_buffer_size'): samples = max(samples, self.minimum_buffer_size) end = self.cached_buffer_end+samples newsegment = self._buffer_fetch_next(samples) # otherwise we have an overlap situation - I guess this won't really # happen very often but it has to be handled correctly in case. new_end = end # if end-start is longer than the size of the current cached buffer, we # will have to increase the size of the cache new_start = min(new_end-self.cached_buffer_output.shape[0], start) new_size = new_end-new_start new_output = np.empty((new_size, self.nchannels)) if samples!=new_size: new_output[:new_size-samples, :] = self.cached_buffer_output[samples-new_size:, :] new_output[new_size-samples:, :] = newsegment self.cached_buffer_output = new_output self.cached_buffer_start = new_start self.cached_buffer_end = new_end # return only those values up to the requested end point return new_output[start-self.cached_buffer_start:req_end-self.cached_buffer_start, :] def _buffer_fetch_next(self, samples): # This method checks if there is a maximum buffer size, and if so # splits the buffer_fetch_next into multiple pieces of at most this size if not hasattr(self, 'maximum_buffer_size'): return self.buffer_fetch_next(samples) bufsize = self.maximum_buffer_size endpoints = np.hstack((np.arange(0, samples, bufsize), samples)) sizes = np.diff(endpoints) return np.vstack(tuple(self.buffer_fetch_next(size) for size in sizes)) def buffer_init(self): self.cached_buffer_output = np.zeros((0, self.nchannels)) self.cached_buffer_start = 0 self.cached_buffer_end = 0 def buffer_fetch_next(self, samples): raise NotImplementedError nchannels = NotImplemented samplerate = NotImplemented