Source code for brian2hears.erb

Utility functions adapted from MAP 
import numpy as np

from brian2 import Hz, kHz, check_units

__all__ = ['erbspace']

[docs]@check_units(low=Hz, high=Hz) def erbspace(low, high, N, earQ=9.26449, minBW=24.7, order=1): ''' Returns the centre frequencies on an ERB scale. ``low``, ``high`` Lower and upper frequencies ``N`` Number of channels ``earQ=9.26449``, ``minBW=24.7``, ``order=1`` Default Glasberg and Moore parameters. ''' low = float(low) high = float(high) cf = -(earQ * minBW) + np.exp((np.arange(N)) * (-np.log(high + earQ * minBW) + np.log(low + earQ * minBW)) / (N-1)) * (high + earQ * minBW) cf = cf[::-1] return cf*Hz
if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cf = erbspace(20 * Hz, 20 * kHz, 3000) print(np.amin(cf), np.amax(cf)) print(np.diff(cf)[-5:]) plt.plot(cf)