Source code for brian2hears.filtering.fractionaldelay

import numpy as np

from .firfilterbank import *

__all__ = ['FractionalDelay']

[docs]class FractionalDelay(FIRFilterbank): ''' Filterbank for applying delays which are fractional multiples of the timestep Initialised with arguments: ``source`` Source sound or filterbank. ``delays`` A list or array of delays to apply (the number of channels in the filterbank will be equal to the length of this). ``filter_length=None`` Use this to explicitly set the length of the impulse response, should be odd. If not specified, it will be automatically determined from the delays. See notes below. ``**args`` Arguments to pass to :class:`FIRFilterbank` (from which this class is derived). **Attributes** .. attribute:: delay_offset The global delay offset. If the specified delay in a given channel is ``delay`` the actual delay will be ``delay_offset+delay``. It is equal to ``(filter_length/2)/source.samplerate``. .. attribute:: filter_length The length of the filter to use. This is automatically determined from the delays. Note that ``delay_offset`` should be larger than the maximum positive or negative delay. The minimum filter length is by default 2048 samples, which allows for good accuracy for signals with power above 20 Hz. For low frequency analysis, longer filters will be necessary. For high frequency analysis, a shorter filter length could be used for a more efficient computation. **Notes** Inducing a delay for a sound that is an integer multiple of the timestep (1/samplerate) can be done simply by offsetting the samples, e.g. ``sound[3:]`` is ``sound`` delayed by ``3/sound.samplerate``. However, for fractional multiples of the timestep, the sound needs to be filtered. The theory and code for this was adapted from ` <>`__. The filters induce a delay of ``delay_offset+delay`` where ``delay_offset`` is a positive value larger than the maximum positive or negative delay. This value is available as the attribute ``delay_offset``. ''' def __init__(self, source, delays, filter_length=None, **args): delays = np.asarray(np.atleast_1d(delays)) delay_max = np.amax(abs(delays)) delay_max_int = int(np.ceil(source.samplerate*delay_max)) if filter_length is None: filter_length = 2*int(delay_max_int*1.25)+1 if filter_length<2048: filter_length = 2048 if filter_length/2<=delay_max_int: raise ValueError('Filter length not long enough for selected delays.') self.delay_offset = (filter_length//2)/source.samplerate self.filter_length = filter_length self.delays = delays irs = [fractional_delay_ir(delay, source.samplerate, filter_length=filter_length) for delay in delays] irs = np.array(irs) self.impulse_response = irs FIRFilterbank.__init__(self, source, irs, **args)
# Adapted from # def fractional_delay_ir(delay, samplerate, filter_length=151): delay = float(delay*samplerate) centre_tap = filter_length // 2 t = np.arange(filter_length) x = t-delay if abs(round(delay)-float(delay))<1e-10: return np.array(x==centre_tap, dtype=float) sinc = np.sin(np.pi*(x-centre_tap))/(np.pi*(x-centre_tap)) window = 0.54-0.46*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*(x+0.5)/filter_length) # Hamming window tap_weight = window*sinc return tap_weight